Sunday, March 22, 2009

Right now I'm working my way into the sports photography world. This has been something that I've wanted to pursue for a very long time...but it's also something that takes a lot of practice. There really is no other feeling then catching that moment...the moment of pure adrenaline as you score the game winning point! I look back at my youth and from the time I was really little and played my first game of tee ball up to the hours I spend on the soccer field in high school...I only have a hand full of "action" pictures of myself. I really wish I had more to show my kiddos as they get older. This is one of the many reason I want to break into this world. To capture those shots that mean so much to the individual playing. To get to re-live those moments when you were "the man" and lead your team to victory! Or those silly shots of the soccer team, that because the rain started pouring their game had to end...but instead of just heading home, decided to do a little slip and sliding in the mud puddles. These are the moments that make me, as a photographer, smile from ear to ear! To catch those truly real moments in you or your childs life!

The cost: $50. This includes:
Coming to two different games of your choice.
A CD that includes the best shots.
*Traveling fee might be required if you are outside the Utah County area

If you spot me at a game, make sure to check out my website...there's a good chance there will be pictures of your child that you may purchase.

4x6: $3
5x7: $5
8x10: $7

Please contact me with ANY other questions you may have: or (801) 361-0872!
I look forward to hearing from you!


  1. Ohhh the good times of slip sliding in the mud! Fun stuff!

  2. I know, that is one of my favorite soccer memories! The best was the look on our Mom's faces as we covered our brand new white uniforms in mud! It took forever to get clean!
